Who are we?

Over the last 10 years the Orkney Isles have become a major holding ground for over wintering Greylag and Pink Footed Geese.

Their numbers can reach in excess of 80,000 at their peak ensuring there is a high number of geese throughout the season.

Having shot in the USA and the UK for over 30 years we have the experience and knowledge in decoying and calling geese. Using this experience on the Orkney Isles for the last 10 years both foreshore and inland we know we can get you under the geese. Our expert guides will ensure your flights are memorable in every way. Shooting takes place over 1,000’s of acres of winter barley/wheat stubbles and grassland using some of the best kit available.

We have up to 500 decoys available to suit varying conditions along with the latest layout blinds, hides and calls.

A selection of 4 x 4 vehicles, Quads and trailers ensure walking and carrying kit is kept to an absolute minimum.

Fully trained dogs are used to retrieve your shot birds. However, if you have your own trained dogs please feel free to bring them along. After every flight our guides will be out checking the fields in preparation for your next outing.